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MIN261 ENGLISH | Introduction to Assemblies of God Missions

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About Course

This course follows the development of missions throughout Scripture from the early church through to the modern church. Includes selected bibliography, Scripture index and subject index.

Dr. York surveys the mission theme present throughout Scripture, which he sees as the lens of continuity that brings the Bible into focus. God’s plan has always been a redemptive blessing of the nations. York challenges believers to join the mission of God (missio Dei) in His redemptive pursuit of the nations through the power of the Holy Spirit. What is the task of the church for the future? Dr. York answers: “Let all who contemplate Christ’s mission be filled with the Holy Spirit, be prepared to the fullest extent possible, be confident of divine blessing, and then run to the battle. And run to win!”

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What Will You Learn?

  • church history
  • evangelism
  • conviction
  • missionary work

Course Content


  • Class Requirements
  • Assignments

Class & Exam

Student Ratings & Reviews

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Synthia Escamilla
12 months ago
Pastor Keith is a really great teacher! I hope to have him for my next course!