(3 Ratings)

MIN181 ENGLISH | Relationships and Ethics in Ministry

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About Course

Secular ethics are destroying America. They surround, then slowly invade lives. And neither the church-nor the clergy is immune!

In Ministerial Ethics, T. Burton pierce examines the moral and ethical responsibilities and challenges facing today’s spirit-filled ministers. He calls ministers and laypeople alike not only to believe in, but to reflect God’s love, God’s justice, and God’s righteousness (Jeremiah 9.24).

Pierce turns to Scripture, offering illustrations from life along the way, to provide ministers with solid biblical direction-and warning! He presents the broad spectrum of Christian ethics in three logical sections.

  • The Basis for Christian ethics
  • Ethics and Church Doctrine
  • Ethics in practical ministry

In doing so, Pierce gives church leaders a defense of their ethics, charges them with personal ethical responsibility to the church, and provides desperately needed insight into matters such as ministerial influence, spiritual leadership, relationships, money, sex, and moral failure.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Doctrine
  • Christian ethics

Course Content


  • Class Requirements
  • Assignments

Class & Exam

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 3 Ratings
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Kayla Zaca
11 months ago
It was great! I was able to learn so much!! The book explained content well and so did the instructor!! Pastor Jerry used lots of great detailed examples to help the class understand the content to a better extent!! 😅👏
2 years ago
Great class! As always Pastor Keith makes the learning easy to understand
MariaElena Ayala
2 years ago
This was a fantastic course. The book itself was very informative, but the actual teaching made even more so.

Pastor Keith McPherson is an amazing teacher. He brings everything to the forefront and clarifies everything before I can even ask the question. I love the way that he uses God's word, he always quotes scripture to remind us why the class correlates with the course. Thank you Pastor Kieth.