LADSOM teachers and coordinators,Some of you have heard of the incoming LADSOM learning management system (LMS). The LADSOM LMS is a mobile-friendly website where students are able to enroll in classes, download and upload assignments, take tests and track progress. Teachers will be able to see student assignments uploaded to the LMS, test results and overall grades. Our goal is to make this site as useful as possible and insulate against future shelter-in-place mandates, hazardous driving conditions or whatever other weirdness this fallen world might bring. GETTING STARTED WITH LMS What you’ll need: personal computer,modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.)working Internet connectionprofile in the LMS SETTING UP YOUR TEACHER PROFILE Once you’ve had the chance to explore the site, you’ll want to register as an instructor. You can do that here: IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE SETTING UP YOUR PROFILE, WE CAN CREATE ONE FOR YOU. The benefit to setting up your own account? You’ll be able to pick your own username and password (instead of a long, ugly, auto-generated one.) Note: The sooner you set up your teacher profile, the better. This will allow us more time to work through any technical challenges before the day of class. IF LADSOM SETS UP YOUR PROFILE If LADSOM sets up your profile, we will select your username (which cannot be changed once it is created) and a random password. To log in, you will then need to reset your password using the ‘Forgot Password?’ link on the sign-in panel under Student Area on the website. (This is the main login area for all users even though it says 'Student Area'.) VIEWING YOUR CLASSES If classes are already underway, we will have to manually add your classes to your instructor profile. No worries. Our goal for September is to successfully 1) get most users up and running in the system and 2) conduct the tests. Our goal for October will be to 1) increase registrations and payments through the LMS site and 2) get the students uploading their completed study guides. ON TEST DAY Upon first registering for a course, a student will see two modules available: Class Requirements and Assignments (where the study guides maybe downloaded and later, the completed study guide may be uploaded.) On test days, two new modules will be automatically released for students to access: Class Details and Exam. 'Class Details' will display the instructor name, contact details, and class location and time, whether for a virtual meeting or an in-person class. 'Exam' is the live exam. IF YOU RUN INTO TROUBLE Remember to check your email spam box in case your confirmation email or 'forgot password' email went there. It happens. If you are running into a technical problem and get stuck, please contact Cristina (989-909-3414) or Matthew (517-410-5045). Both can log into the LMS and push things through.